Monday, March 12, 2012

Well, hello there.

Welcome to Ate Days a Week.  I am Crystal, lover of food and home décor enthusiast.  My passion for all things delicious has brought me here.  This blog is a space for me to organize and share my recipes & delectable finds with you.  I am also hoping you will share with me! 

For starters, I thought you might enjoy a few fabulous photos that my gal pal, Anda, snapped yesterday while we were eating & shopping our way around San Francisco.

First, we took a stroll down to the Fort Mason farmer’s market to gather some fresh seasonal veggies.

Then, we ventured across town to Tartine Bakery.  Neither of us had been before, so naturally we ordered a few things to share (please note: not all samples are featured).  We were not disappointed; everything we “tasted” made us smile.

After we did a little pastry, cake and sandwich sampling, we rolled over to Bi-Rite Market to pick up a few goodies for the week.  I am. in. love. with that store.  If I lived within walking distance of Bi-Rite, then I am certain I would be poor & quite rotund.  So, thankfully I live across town and my fridge is stocked for now. 

 I can't let all of my tasty finds go to waste!  So, I will be in the kitchen all week.  Stay tuned…

1 comment:

  1. Loved taking that adventure with you. Let us know a bit more about what you took photos of...what were those yummy dishes you got to taste that I did not?! I can't recreate them at home, but Don's quite a cook and might get inspired. Until then, keep sharing.
