Sunday, September 23, 2012

Zucchini this & that

Earlier this week I received a farm box overflowing with fresh fall veggies.
So many veggies, so many possibilities… So much zucchini!

First, I made zucchini bread. { I really want to try this recipe next time.}

Then, I made soup.  It was delicious and quite nutritious; the perfect meal for a chilly autumn day.

Now, I need to figure out what to do with the remaining zucchini… Oh, my.

Spinach & Zucchini Soup

serves 6

3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 cloves garlic, chopped
2 medium onions, roughly chopped
big pinch of salt
2 1/2 cups potatoes (2 medium) cut into 1/2-inch cubes
2 1/2 cups zucchini (2 medium), loosely chopped
4 cups vegetable stock
4 cups fresh spinach leaves, loosely packed
1 cup cilantro, loosely chopped
one lemon

In a large, thick-bottomed pot over medium-high heat, add the olive oil. When the oil is hot (but not smoking) add the garlic and onions and saute for a few minutes along with pinch of salt - just until they soften up a bit. Stir in the potatoes and zucchini. Add the stock. Bring to a simmer and cook until potatoes are soft throughout, roughly 10-15 minutes.

Stir in the spinach, and wait for it to wilt, just ten seconds or so. Now stir in the cilantro. Puree with a hand blender until smooth. Whisk in a big squeeze of lemon juice. Now taste, and add more salt if needed. Finish with a drizzle of olive oil and serve.

*If you'd like a richer version of this soup feel free to finish the soup with a splash of cream, or a dollop of creme fraiche or plain yogurt in place of the finishing drizzle of olive oil.

Recipe from Heidi Swanson @ 101cookbooks

Friday, September 7, 2012

Kale is the New Black

Last night was Fashion Night Out & yet I found myself planted in front of the TV eating kale chips.  Considering that I work in retail and live & breathe fashion, it seemed a bit comical to me.  But, then I got to thinking… Kale really is the new black.  It seems to be popping up everywhere in local restaurants & I have been eating it every chance that I get! 

It is delicious in chip form.

Also, roasted as a side dish …

{1 bunch of kale (chopped) + 1-2 Tablespoons Olive Oil + Squeeze of lemon + ½ teaspoon red chili flakes}


{1 bunch of kale (chopped) + 1-2 Tablespoons Olive Oil + Dash of Salt + 1 teaspoon Cumin}

*Bake at 300F for 10-12 minutes. 

I have even been eating it for breakfast!  Just put an egg on it…

Kale & Eggs
1 Serving

2 large handfuls of chopped kale
½ yam (sliced into ¼ inch coins)
1 shallot (sliced)
1 ½ Tablespoons Olive Oil
1 teaspoon paprika (smoked if you have it)
Dash of salt
1 egg

Preheat oven to 350F

Combine kale, yam, shallot, oil & spices.  
Spread evenly onto foil or parchment lined cookie sheet.   
Bake for 15 minutes.  Kale should be crispy, but not browned.
Prepare 1 egg over easy or poached.   
Serve kale & yam mixture in a bowl, top it off with your egg and enjoy!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fruits of Summer

Summer is coming to an end and while I certainly welcome fall, I will miss the fruits of summer.  Nothing beats biting into a perfectly ripe peach, or eating juicy berries by the handful.

The below recipe has been my go to fruit salad recipe for the season.  I like it because it there is minimal work involved & the added ingredients allow for great dimension.  

 I typically prepare this salad on a Sunday evening & bring to work throughout the week as a snack option, but this also makes for a great party salad.  If you are making it for a larger group, I recommend doubling the recipe.  

Fruit Salad
4 Servings

2 red plums, pitted and sliced
1 cup raspberries
1 cup blueberries
1 tablespoon of sugar or honey
1 Tablespoon fresh orange juice
½ teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons unsalted shelled pistachios, chopped
3 mint leaves, coarsely torn (about 1 tablespoon)

Toss plums, raspberries, and blueberries with sugar, orange juice, and cinnamon; let stand 15 minutes.  

Serve sprinkled with pistachios and mint.

{Also, feel free to sub in the fruit of your choice.  It is ideal to have at least one tart fruit & one sweet to balance the flavors, but you can tailor to your needs.  Toasted walnuts are also a great substitute for the pistachios.}